What Are Your Big Rocks?

Monday, April 18, 2011

I don't know if you've ever heard Franklin Covey talk about putting the big rocks in the jar first or not, but I love this concept! It goes something like this:

Imagine that you have a glass jar. You also have a number of large rocks, a lot more smaller rocks, and even some sand. Your job is to get all the rocks and sand to fit into the jar.

If you make the mistake of trying to put the sand and the smaller rocks in first, you won't be able to make everything fit.

But if you place the large rocks in first, the sand and smaller rocks will fit in around the large ones.

Your life works the same way as the jar of rocks. If you don't make the big rocks a priority, you will never be able to fit everything in a week. But if you make it a point to put the most important things in your life first, the smaller things will find ways to squeeze in around everything else.

For example, I have a few Big Rocks that get 1st priority every week. My Big Rocks are:
My family, God, my physical and mental health, leadership, and friendship. So every week, I set out to make sure each of those big rocks gets a place in my crazy schedule.

Here is what that looks like for me:

My family: Family time means dinner at the table at least 3 nights a week (planned every Sunday); date night every other week with my husband; and a date (or special alone time) with each of my children at least once a week.

God: This week I am committing to read my Bible for 2 hours this week; bible study weekly; church weekly; serving weekly; worship and prayer (often during my runs)

Physical/Mental Health: Since I'm prepping for a 1/2 marathon, I'm out for 3 runs a week; planned dinners (see above); time to read; time to listen to podcasts; and usually I schedule in a bath, pedicure, or manicure once a week.

Leadership: Once a week communication with both my team and directors; encouraging notes/cards to upcoming leaders weekly; developing useful training content

Friendship: I think lately I haven't been the best friend. I am not a huge facebook follower, so I have a hard time keeping up sometimes. So this week, I'm making it a point to catch up with at least 3 of my girlfriends.

So there you have it. My big rocks. The rest will fit in around everything else. I promise. But I think it's important that you know what your Big Rocks are each week, and that you intentionally plan to make them successful.

For more info on Franklin Covey or if you're a visual learner, check out Covey teaching this principle live on stage by Clicking Here . Enjoy!

What are your big rocks? And are you making them fit?

1 comment:

  1. Allison, just in case no one has told you lately - you are amazing!!! I don't know how you do it all & do it all so effectively!! Thank you for being such a wonderful role model & for showing others that it IS possible - if you organize your life accordingly!


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