Clearing Things Up....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not unexpectedly, I have already offended someone.
Last night, after I posted about "Dealing with Change," my post received the following comment, (which I later deleted)

"First off, let me tell you that this is quite a lovely post that you have made. I like the way your thoughts were organized, and that I will be hated by most for what I am about to say. Sorry to sound like the "black sheep" here, but throughout this whole post you are assuming that everybody believe that a supernatural form of deity exists. Second, you are then assuming that every person who DOES believe in a form of deity leaves his/her problems that they deem to be challenging upon the "god" to solve them. You are also assuming that the form of deity that everyone follows is a male. You are implying that unless you do what the "god" wants you to do, you will suffer consequences...Just putting in my two cents. Let the angry replies begin."

Maybe I need to clear some things up...

I do not intend to write for the world to relate to. My intent is to write for women who believe in the same God that I do. He is the God of the universe. He is the King of Kings, and He will return one day. He saved me by grace, and I believe in Him through faith. I will not hide from nor be ashamed of the God I believe in. He has brought me faith, understanding, knowledge, and most importantly, peace.

I realize that they are people who believe differently than I do. We can agree to disagree. This blog is not intended to be, nor will it ever be "politically correct." I will not choose my words carefully so as not to offend someone. I will instead focus on being authentic, real, passionate and nothing less.

In my defense, I do not throw my problems on the God I believe in. BUT the beauty of my God, is that through Him, we can overcome, we can live beautifully, we can be saved from our own sinful nature. He will not ever simply take away the problems we throw His way. He is compassionate as a parent would be towards a child. He will never simply take away our grief or make our lives easy and perfect because He can. Life would be pretty meaningless if that was what actually happened.  My God does not want us to suffer. He actually gives us chance after chance after chance to be more like Him. Chances we don't deserve, but that He allows us through grace. He does not condemn those who follow Him; He does not force consequences on those who follow Him who make mistakes. He instead only asks that we love Him, acknowledge Him, and believe by faith, that He is God. When we ask Him to live inside us, we are forever His children regardless of how many times we screw up. It is by faith we come to know Him, not by good works.

And you're right, I don't understand how people could deny that there is something greater than us. I think it's pretty egotistical to believe that we are the most amazing beings that exist. I don't understand how you could stand at the edges of the ocean water, letting the waves gently lap over your toes, tasting the salt on your tongue, seeing the vastness that is before you and not believe that there is something greater. Or how you could stand on a mountain and see the world below you and the sky above you and deny that a creator exists.

The wonderful thing about the God I believe in, is that if you've never had that experience, one day you will. He will fill your heart and your soul so deeply that you won't be able to ignore the fact that you are loved, created for purpose, and intended for something more. And in that moment you will make a decision to believe or not.

There is more to life than posting on random people's blogs about how "politically incorrect" they are. Don't bother re-posting. I 'm not interested in arguing with you. We can agree to disagree. I just wanted to clear up my intentions for this blog. I hope you're okay with that. If you're not okay with it, which I'm betting you won't be, there are plenty of other things you can find to read on the internet. 
If you want to know more about the God who has given me peace, purpose, and fulfillment, check out my church, where we accept everyone as they are

Until there's more...


  1. Great Response Allison! To God Be the Glory My Sister in God be the Glory!

  2. Well said, Allison. I pity anyone who refuses to believe in the same God we do.

  3. whooo hooo!! couldnt have said it better, whomever that was it was sad how empty they are , I pray that God touches them and gives them a greater understanding of our God , he is an awesome God, who saves all wretched souls, some who dont even realize at the time they need to be saved from anything.. There is too much historiacl eveidence that coincides with the Bible to say he doesnt exist anyway ! Have a God Blessed Day ! Amen

  4. Do you, Allison, believe that I should go to hell because I am atheist and don't believe in god?

    "I think it's pretty egotistical to believe that we are the most amazing beings that exist. I don't understand how you could stand at the edges of the ocean water, letting the waves gently lap over your toes, tasting the salt on your tongue, seeing the vastness that is before you and not believe that there is something greater. Or how you could stand on a mountain and see the world below you and the sky above you and deny that a creator exists."
    It is egotistical to believe that we are the most amazing things that exist, but is it completely okay to believe that some "god" exists who died for our sins? And plans on "coming back"? Is it correct to call the person who condemns homosexuality a "king of kings"? No, it is not. I know that I may have angered you a bit by my previous comment, but that was not my intention. I apologize for that. Here's a link for you: . Be sure to give it at least one look. I will leave with a quote by Epicurus, "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?"

    As response to "sonya luvs scents", really? Are you really able to say that and agree with it a 100%? "There is too much historical evidence that coincides with the Bible to say he doesn't exist anyway." There is a lot of historical evidence that coincides with the movie "Spiderman", but does that make it real? No! I would suggest you have another look at your arguments.

  5. I've seen this happen a lot... Certain types of people find a blog where someone is choosing to express their faith, and they proceed to "pick a fight." All I can say, Allison, is to ignore the comments that others may choose to make because they feed off of the controversy they have worked so hard to create... Or you can just make your blog private?
    MOST of us read your blog because we enjoy reading your posts, and you have every right to put in those posts anything your heart desires-- this is YOUR blog and you make those decisions! Don't allow what others may say to influence that!

  6. "There is too much historical evidence that coincides with the Bible to say he doesn't exist anyway."

    The Bible has never changed. It is God's word. It has never been disproved. On the other hand, science keeps changing. Scientists say, "Oops, we now find we made a mistake and here is the 'theory' we put before you.

    I don't understand how a person could believe in science when it changes all the time.

  7. Emily, I am not a flamer. I am not here to "pick a fight" with Allison. I am simply expressing my opinion on what she said like she expected. Do I not carry the right to say what I wish? I am not trying to influence her beliefs or her posts in any manner whatsoever. I don't see how you got that idea. I am simply expressing my opinion and disagreement with what someone posted on a PUBLIC BLOG.

    Cynthia, I'll tell you why. Science is a field that follows evolution. It does not make its assumptions and stick with them no matter what. It makes its inferences, and then tweaks them over time to get better, more accurate results. I would rather follow a field which recognizes its mistakes and corrects them, rather than following a field which claims itself to be correct in everything it says and banishes those who don't agree with it to hell, or one that doesn't change its assumptions/inferences to accommodate new findings in our universe.

    Again, I am NOT trying to bash creationists in any form.

  8. Allison,
    You are amazing! Keep preaching the gospel because we are called to go to the world and speak truth into lost souls! Thanks for writing; I look forward to reading as often as I can. Have a blessed day!

  9. Allison,
    Reading your post reminds me of how blessed I am that I was rescued and saved. I was so lost, searching for something that was missing in my life and when I finally opened my heart to receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, I felt a Love like I'd never known. Everyday is a new day for me and I'm excited to read, pray and learn about how much my Lord loves me. Keep posting, you're reaching out to lots of people just like me.


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