Joy in His word

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

For a long time I have prayed for the desire to read God's word. I used to think it was a chore....something I had to cross of the list.

I have also never been a morning person. Since my children wake up with the sun, I decided that instead of being a total witch for the first 2 hours in the morning, maybe I should change my mindset. So I have been going to bed by 11:00 (most of the time), and waking up by 7:00.

I have found the best retreat in my backyard. Every morning, I head out there with my coffee and my bible, and what used to be a chore to me, has become something I can't get enough of.

I usually have to pull myself away to go about the tasks of the day. Sometimes my kiddos join me out there in the morning. Luke likes to chase the birds that come to our bird feeder, and Addy loves to swing or play in the sand box early in the morning.

Yesterday morning, I was starting the book of Luke. And I found so much simple and silly joy in the His word. I was reading about Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist) and Mary. I love Mary's reaction to the angel of the Lord when he tells her that she will carry the Son of God. She says, "I am the Lord's servant." (Luke 1:38)

Can you imagine?! An angel appears before you to tell you that you will supernaturally conceive a child through the Holy Spirit who will be called the Son of the Most Hight. What is your first reaction? Honestly? Mine would probably not be, "I am the Lord's servant." My response would probably be more like, "are you serious?!" I marvel at Mary and her faith. What a wonderful response, "I am the Lord's servant."

After that, Mary goes to visit Elizabeth who is carrying John the Baptist. And here is where my joy came from (I'm smiling right now just thinking about it)....when Mary calls out to Elizabeth, John jumped in Elizabeth's womb. Ah! I just love it. As if to say, John the Baptist was greeting Jesus and his mother. It just makes me smile.

Then the 2 women spent 3 months of their pregnancy together. Can you imagine the conversations they must have had? I just found so much joy in this simple story of that I had to share.

Praying you find joy today...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this reminder~~~ I am having an awesome time in Disneyland w the family and sometimes we forget to keep up w his word but I will read the whole story when driving around today thx so much!!!


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