I'm starting to think I was addicted to social media. I thought I could just walk away, but I catch myself thinking about it throughout the day. It's like the young love of a girl experiencing her 1st break-up.
I'll be honest and say that I'm wondering if I can really do it for a year. I want to show pictures of my kids on instagram for my friends and family to see. I really, really do. My absence from instagram may not last a year. I'm just gonna throw that out there on day 3. Since I haven't been on instagram, I guess it's time to catch you all up here on the day's happenings.
Today was Wyatt's 1st birthday. When I think about our life one year ago, it was going in such a very different direction. We are planning on moving to California in December. We tried to buy 3 houses there. None of it ever worked out, and I couldn't understand why our house hunt was coming up empty until a year ago today.
That sweet baby boy entered the world, and everything changed. You would expect people to say that with baby #1. They tend to do that. Rock worlds. But # 3? I didn't think he would change me like he did.
I remember lying in the hospital bed the night he was born adoring every perfect feature on his face, and wondering how we would ever make it in California. How could we walk away from our family and friends? How could he grow up without really knowing his cousins?
Our plans changed that Halloween night.
And today, I am grateful for that change of heart. There are so many things I love about Oklahoma. Yes, it's a long way from the beach, but it's home.
Today we surprised Wyatt with a new teepee for his birthday. BElittleyouandme makes the most adorable teepees. Addison helped me fill it with toys and balloons to surprise him. We're pretty sure he likes it.
We went to our afternoon Gymboree class where Wyatt appropriately received a bubble salute from his teacher Ms. Susan.
After Gymboree, we headed to lunch at City Bites, and then for a treat at a frozen yogurt shop {which he totally LOVED!}
We were sure to sing him happy birthday many times and let him know that it was his birthday, but ya know, he's one. At least he'll be able to read this one day and know how much we loved him and tried to make him feel special and adored.
The afternoon was spent resting and getting ready for trick or treating. Yes, we trick or treat. I know we're weird and homeschool our kids and everything, but we let our kids trick or treat. It's fun for all of us.
We ate an early dinner. Made a quick stop at the neighbors, and loaded up the expedition with all 3 kids and my sister and brother-in-law and headed to our old neighborhood. It's like the meca of trick or treating. We parked at our old house and even took pictures in the front yard. And no, we didn't tell them we were coming. I told you, we're friends with the people who bought our house. We all ended up trick or treating together. Sorry for not announcing ourselves Robyn and Donnie! Thanks for letting us take over your front yard.
And this is pretty much how pictures went when we tried to get a picture of the 3 of them.
Our new neighbors joined us in our old neighborhood for trick or treating (or new neighborhood only has 4 families with small kiddos so we feel blessed to have new neighbors with kids similar in age to ours). And away we went.
The night ended with me texting pics to our good friends and family so they could see our kids in their costumes (yes, sometimes social media is more efficient), candy sorting, and snuggles and this.
Happy Halloween friends.