September Goals

Monday, September 1, 2014

I love the start of a new month. It's like a fresh beginning every 30 days. 

If I had to choose a favorite 1st day of the month, it would easily be September 1st. The start of the new Fall and Winter catalog is always my favorite time of year. Mostly because I love scents like Pumpkin Roll and Salted Caramel Cupcake and Cider Mill. Oh just talking about it makes me want to warm all that deliciousness. 

I saw a facebook post from a sweet friend with her September goals, and I thought it was a great idea! So here's to having written down goals this month! 

So here goes. These are my personal goals and my business goals for the month of February.

Business Goals:
Sell $2,500 minimum.
Share the Scentsy or Velata opportunity with 3 new team members.
Create a Velata meal plan.
Evaluate and fine tune systems for communicating with my team.

Personal Goals: 
Pre-determine my time with Christ (see below).
Get up at 6am and use the time that no one wants from you.
Read because you want to read {10 pages a day}.
Sweat at least 4x a week {weights and cardio}.
Cook because you love it. 
Date your spouse {because he's hot and you can}. 
Make sure Friday = Family Fun Day! 

So there you have it, it's on paper and real. What about you? What goals do you have this month? Writing them down and sharing can make all the difference in the world. 

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